We need more spaces for LBTQIA2S+ people to build community, heal from oppression, and shine in our unique brilliance. Queer Confluence will be such a space. We will offer the following services:
- Counseling services— To heal and grow
- Community events— To build resilience and connections
- Trainings for community members— To gain and share skills and perspectives
- Trainings for cis and straight people— To gain cultural competency and fight for trans and queer rights
Centering Trans and Queer People
At Queer Confluence, we have a strong commitment to liberation and social justice. We seek to create a web of relationships of queer and trans people for mutual support. Our organization is not based on a charity model: we are trans and queer people organizing to support and empower other queer and trans people. We seek to build community, experience joy, and heal from the harms of hatred and oppression. We address root causes by creating an alternative: an organization that centers queer and trans people and helps them shine.
To accomplish this, we will center LGBTQIA2S+ people in our hiring, consultation, services, organizing, and relationship-building. We will create BIPOC-led spaces and services, and recruit BIPOC people for our board and staff. Disability justice, neurodivergence, body positivity, and other social justice perspectives inform our work.
By (re)centering trans and queer people, we will (re)create a world where trans and queer people thrive.